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  • Catherine Coulter April 2018 Newsletter
    13 Apr 2018
    DID YOU KNOW???? No, no, don’t guess, let me tell you right this minute: THE SIXTH DAY, the 5th Nicholas Drummond/Mike Caine BRIT in the FBI thriller, is out RIGHT NOW, waiting to leap into your arms at a book store or downloaded on your iPad or audio-device or your cell phone –- and that brings up a question: If you’re reading an exciting thriller (e.g. THE SIXTH DAY) on your cell and someone calls you? What happens? What does the phone do? What do you do? Do you somehow answer and say – “I’m busy, I’m reading a great book, leave me alone, I’ll call you back –- sometime?”
  • Catherine Coulter March 2018 Newsletter
    14 Mar 2018
    The Ides of March is nearly here, at our front doors, staring at us through the window, ready to waltz in and spit in our eyes or pinch our earlobes. Be careful, the ides aren’t something to mess around with, except for minions, who are their best friends.
  • Catherine Coulter February 2018 Newsletter
    06 Feb 2018
    Poor February, a meager, nearly scrawny month of the year. It’s barely hanging on to month-dom. Let’s do something for weedy February, something awesome, something significant, something majorly fun, so February gets to enjoy our active brain-time for at least one year. Let me know what you decide to do if you join this program to Immortalize February.
  • Catherine Coulter January 2018 Newsletter
    17 Jan 2018
    I know, it’s amazing, it’s freaky, it’s unbelievable, yet it’s here and we must accept it, and shudder --- 2018 --- Yes, you read the numbers right, it’s nearly to the 2020’s, nearly a hundred years since the 1920’s. And what do the 1920’s make you think of? Dancing the Charleston, short skirts, clever stockings, bobbed hair, everyone drinking their brains out and smoking their lungs into pulpy gray yuck? Women led the way – it was a time of wonderful expression of freedom and this is what it looked like and danced like and cut its hair like – (alas, smoked like). As for the men -- ‘hey, it’s really sweet to look at a woman’s legs and not be thought a perv.’ Remember before WWI, women wore corsets, petticoats and dresses brushing the ground. And they never smoked and they tippled in private. What will happen when the clock turns to 2020? My prediction is there will be a complete resurgence of everything from the 1920’s, including clothes, dances, hair styles, speak easies. And the media, the fashionistas, movies and books, advertising, etc., will be portraying the roaring twenties and you and I will eagerly embrace any and all things roaring.