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Vol. 593 No. 358

Happy Autumn Equinox:

Since it’s likely you’ve been sharing the smoke from our California fires, let me say typing ‘autumn equinox’ makes me feel like rain is coming soon. Rain dances would be appreciated.

If you visit me on Instagram and Facebook, you’ve seen the photos I’ve posted of the orange skies when the fire was so hot it sent up smoke 50,000 feet into the atmosphere and blotted out most of the sun, letting through only the far end of the color spectrum -- the violent orange. An amazing experience, like being on Mars. The local weather people said, “It shouldn’t last long” – pause – “on the other hand, it’s 2020.” You had to laugh, but it sort of hurt.

A day on Mars

On a much funner note, football season’s started, halleluiah! Let’s keep our fingers crossed. I’m hoping for better things with Brady, now with the Buccaneers, we’ll see.

In the NBA playoffs, the Miami Heat is looking great, but it was only the first game against the Celtics. Do you know you can buy a virtual presence at the games, that is, a life-size poster of yourself, for $150? The cameras show you cheering or booing, waving your arms, yelling. Don’t you love people’s creativity?



Now, on an even funner note, I started wrapping Christmas presents. Yeah, I see you shaking your heads, rolling your eyes.

I’d like to thank all of who’ve read and enjoyed DEADLOCK since my thank you last month. As you know it hit Number 1 and thankfully continues to do well. What absolutely made my day was the video on the jumbotron in Times Square. If only more than the one guy taking the photo for me had seen it.

To whet your appetite, VORTEX, out next year, (wow, I hadn’t realized it’s the 25th FBI and I’m still alive) is keeping me on my writing toes.

Everyone, you’re all important to me so stay safe and well,

Catherine Coulter