Midsummer Magic, the first novel in the Magic Trilogy, was published at the end of 1987. Now, eleven years later, we're reissuing the trilogy with brand-new clothes. I haven't done any rewriting, as this novel is just dandy the way it is.
Philip Hawksbury, the Earl of Rothermere, obeying his father's dying wish, hies himself to Scotland to offer for one of the daughters of Alexander Kilbracken, the Earl of Ruthven.
Calypso Magic, the second novel in the Magic Trilogy, was published in 1988. I haven't done any rewriting; the novel's just wearing beautiful new clothes.
It is 1813 in London. The Earl of Saint Leven, Lyonel Ashton, doesn't like women, and he's got every reason not to. But fate, in the guise of Aunt Lucia, intervenes. She presents him with Diana Savarol, a young lady newly arrived from her family's Caribbean island and very unhappy at being forced into frigid England and tossed headlong into the marriage market.
Moonspun Magic is the 3rd book in the series, first published well over a decade ago. I haven't rewritten the novel, it's just dressed in fetching new clothes.
You've already met Rafael Carstairs, the mysterious sea captain who worked against Napoleon in Calypso Magic. He's a civilian now and traveling to see his twin brother, Damien Carstairs Baron Drago, in Cornwell. In the middle of a moonless night, Rafael rescues a young girl, Victoria Abermarle, from smugglers, only to find that she's trying to escape his twin, Baron Drago, who tried to rape her.